Hosted by the esteemed Judge Angel, our show is dedicated to celebrating the remarkable stories of individuals who shine bright in their communities. We believe that everyone has the potential to be an All-STAR. Sit back, relax, and let the stories of our All-STARS ignite your spirit and uplift your soul.
Welcome to the show, where we believe that together, we can all shine brighter than ever before!
Embark on a journey of inspiration with Judge Angel, the esteemed television host making waves in Las Vegas. With a diverse background spanning education, law, media, and philanthropy, Judge Angel brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role ...
Join us at Judge Angel's All-Stars TV Show, where we believe in the power of every individual to shine. Situated in the vibrant city of Las Vegas, our television program is dedicated to empowering viewers through inspirational stories of resilience, ...
Judge Angel’s All-STARS” TV Show is an NBC-Affiliate TV show featuring positive interviews with community leaders, entertainers, and professionals. The upbeat interviews highlight their impact on the community, providing information and guidance for viewers.
The host, Judge Angel, is a retired justice who creates, produces, and anchors the program. Having a background in education and law has sharpened her interest in finding creative ways to connect, educate, entertain, and empower the community.
Judge Angel’s All-STARS airs Saturdays at 9:30 AM EST on the NBC affiliate ‘The CW’ on